About us

We are a team of 4 dedicated individuals who each have something unique to offer but have the same passion for changing the narrative in society. Our team consists of Somesh Kar, Angad Singh, Ashvin Verma and Priyanshi Ahuja (17).

Narad came together after a member of our team saw something that they couldn’t forget.

He was on a family trip and crossed multiple villages along the way, but as he was approaching the end of the trip, his car broke down near a poor farmer’s house. The farmer gave them some water. Our team member tried thanking him in Hindi but the farmer couldn’t comprehend. Just then, another man, who could understand both hindi and the local language told us about how their language isn’t that well known and that they don’t hear it anywhere. Intrigued, our team member talked to the man about how they get their information, and to his surprise, our team member learnt that the village was on the other side of a very wide information and resource gap that existed due to the very seemingly mundane reason of speaking a language that was not sufficiently recognised in our massive country.

The Team

Priyanshi Ahuja
Ashvin Verma
Somesh Kar
Angad Singh